

Public Transportation in Berlin with limited Capacities

Due to technical problems with trains public transportation in Berlin is working on limited capacities. Please, check with your hotel and/or travel group management, and plan for more time on race day morning. Trains are running less frequently than normally. Problems occur only at lines of the S-Bahn. Subways (U-Bahn) are running on normal schedule.

The closest train stations to the starting area are:

  • Main train station (Hauptbahnhof, southern exit),
  • Friedrichstraße (U 6, S1 und S2, along the river Spree towards the Reichstag parliament building),
  • Unter den Linden (S1 und S 2, towards the Reichstag parliament building),
  • Potsdamer Platz (U 2, S1, S2, via Ebertstraße towards the Reichstag parliament building).

