The BMW BERLIN-MARATHON - in a class of its own!
How to inspire Berlin, the world and thousands of participants.
© SCC EVENTS / Tilo Wiedensohler
The BMW BERLIN-MARATHON is one of the biggest and most popular marathons in the world. The team behind the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON is also growing and growing and growing. By 2023, SCC EVENTS will have around 90 employees. They all work in different ways to ensure that everything runs smoothly and that participants and spectators experience a true spectacle. We take a look behind the scenes and show which pieces of the puzzle make the overall "BMW BERLIN-MARATHON" picture perfect.
TEAM Volunteer Management - bringing together what belongs together!
BMW BERLIN-MARATHON without volunteers? Unthinkable. The Volunteer Management team coordinates, distributes, inquires, cancels: it brings together what belongs together! Around 6,500 volunteers are on duty during the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON. Thanks to them, you will not stray from the course, you will be fed at regular intervals at "refreshment and supply points", parts of the course can be crossed in an orderly fashion, you will receive your race number, you will be systematically guided to the start line and so on. In short: they hold the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON construct together! In addition, there are 58 department heads, 45 course section leaders and 30 supply point managers who provide support at almost all levels. Each of them knows exactly what needs to be done - and the volunteer management team does too. Cheers to our volunteers!
TEAM Operations - so that everything runs (safely!) according to plan on site!
Nothing falls by the wayside here. No bars, no porta-potties, no participants. They are the first on site and the last to leave the event area. Without Team Operations, there would be no start/finish area, no signage, no demarcated event area and no controlled start for the 45,000 or so participants. Getting from A to B safely - Team Operations makes it possible! During the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON, the start/finish area is their second living room. Bringing 55 service providers together, no problem! Working hand in hand with the security staff of almost 400 people, easy! Making sure that approx. 5,300 barriers (13,990 m) are in place, no problem! The signature of Team Operations runs across the entire event site and the route. You know what should or should not be where! SAFETY for the participants is a top priority here.
TEAM Event Management - may I please, Berlin?
The BMW BERLIN-MARATHON is an important cultural part of Berlin. Just running around 42 km through the city? It's not that simple. Applying to the city and the relevant authorities for the event - approved! Coordination of the event with stakeholders - ongoing. Team Event Management keeps an eye on the big picture. They plan, manage, develop, analyze, evaluate, find potential for improvement, ensure that participants always experience something new, incorporate the latest developments in the event industry and always keep an eye on the budget. And when Tigst Assefa or a world record is set for skaters or wheelchair racers, Team Event Management takes over the sports management and production of world and national records.
© SCC EVENTS / Sebastian Wells
TEAM Finance - it's not about the sausage, it's about the money!
When the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON is over, Team Finance is far from being on the home straight. While they always keep track of all booking and payment processes and ensure clean and smooth processing for around 45,000 participants and the companies, partners, service providers etc. involved, Team Finance really gets going after the marathon weekend. Around 1,100 incoming invoices, including checks and payments, find their way into the accounting department during the event. 80% of these are processed in October alone. Almost 15 months before the mega-event, the participation fees are calculated, including budget planning. When it comes to financial matters, Team Finance is the number one point of contact.
TEAM Marketing|Digital - can do websites, can do campaigns, can do travel groups, can do even more!
A team that has it all. It not only ensures that the technical process from registration to collecting race numbers runs smoothly, that all data is up to date and that nothing crashes - it also has a hand in the emotional, energetic start entertainment, sets up the marketing campaign to keep the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON in the fast lane, takes care of the creative social media management - which is always live on site, maintains and optimizes the website, including the integration of online registration and payment systems, organizes and looks after travel groups - as if the international participants were superstars on tour - and also ensures the holistic management and coordination of charity initiatives and their integration into the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON in order to do good together. Hats off Team Marketing|Digital!
TEAM Media Relations & Editorial - writes, coordinates, creates, reports, informs ...
For you, for Berlin, for the world - so that everyone stays up to date. The Media Relations & Editorial team puts the following important ingredients into the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON: detailed event and finisher magazines bundle all the tips, facts, stories and interesting facts about the marathon weekend in Berlin - delicious. Coordinating around 500-700 media professionals from TV, radio, online and print, feeding the journalists with all the important information through the media guide so that Auntie Suli also finds out about it - delicious. Ensuring extensive documentation by the press and event photographers for public and private use - excellent. Keeping participants and companions informed months before and after the event with measures such as the newsletter or permanent website maintenance - tasty.
TEAM Participant Management - they are there for you!
From the raffle to the registration to the personalized race number - thank you Participant Management for making it possible! Do you have questions about registration, the raffle process or other topics related to the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON? Participant Management will help you! Are there any uncertainties shortly before the race? They know what you don't know and will be there for you by email, telephone or at the MARATHON-EXPO. They also keep an eye on the timekeeping of all participants. Participant Management = transparency.
© SCC EVENTS / Sportograf
TEAM Sponsoring - strong partners, an even stronger BMW BERLIN-MARATHON!
Marketing emotions - nobody can do that as well as Team Sponsoring. Listening to the partners and implementing their wishes and ideas according to SCC EVENTS guidelines - who else but Team Sponsoring. Sudden problems such as a wrong logo or similar - Team Sponsoring is ready! Deadline lists of all agreed partner services and assembly line approval loops - yes, Team Sponsoring can! Making sure that around 2,600 m of high endless banners, 7,500 m of flat endless banners, around 50 sponsor banners in the start and finish area and on the course as well as at the EXPO are distributed on the spot and that Berlin is bathed in marathon blue - yes, Team Sponsoring will take care of that too. Team Sponsoring = radiance.
TEAM Sports & Medicine - Health comes first!
The health of all participants has absolute priority - to ensure this, there is the Sports & Medicine team. Together with the fire department and the medical service, it not only plans the deployment of personnel, the vehicles and the accident assistance points around the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON, it also ensures that a team of around 120 people can quickly and effectively care for the participants at the finish line. In addition, 10 bicycle doctors, 5 resuscitation teams and 5 so-called spotters, who have a better view of the action from tennis high chairs, are also part of the team. In the event of acute problems shortly before the race, 35 doctors and medical staff as well as 35 physiotherapists will be available at the Marathon EXPO. And if you want to be optimally prepared, simply attend a running course or camp run by Team Sports & Medicine.
TEAM Public Affairs and HR - so that everything goes well on the "stage"
"Stage" doesn't just mean the organization and planning of the winners' ceremony. Because beyond this "stage", there are people who make sure that everything runs smoothly with all employees, that working conditions are right, that processes are driven forward and everything else that goes with it - Team Human Resources knows everyone in the SCC EVENTS family and, as part of the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON chauffeur service, also drives top athletes, sponsors and partners from A to and through B for Berlin! And if by stage we mean the winners' ceremony, then every detail has to be just right - because the precise site plan, the flowers and laurel wreaths, the medals, the photographer's staircase, the podium, the flags of the winning nations, the honorees from politics and sports, prizes, the timing for the live TV broadcast and much more, once again ensure that the achievements of all honorees are appropriately honored and round off the successes in a fitting manner. Clear the stage!
© SCC EVENTS / Tilo Wiedensohler