

MY JOURNEY – “I want to be able to do that, too.”

 “It all started three years ago at the BERLIN-MARATHON when I was cheering my father on from the roadside.” Kathrin Gartner begins to drift off as she tells us about this family experience. “I and all of the spectators near me were so filled with amazement at every runner who passed by! The atmosphere was magical. I was totally emotional afterwards and kept thinking: I want to be able to do that, too.” Unlike for her father, for Kathrin running had not been a pleasant experience. “Sure, I had run five kilometres before, but more to appease my bad conscience than out of passion.”

That changed suddenly after her father’s success in 2011. Originally from Bavaria, but now living in Berlin by choice, she put together a training plan and got in the habit of running in the morning before work. The 28-year-old began to pay more attention to her nutrition, lost a few pounds and discovered to her delight that she was also noticing that she could concentrate better at her work in the marketing department for Universal.  “Running was having a positive impact on every aspect of my life.” Her already good relationship with her athletic father got even better as they prepared for their common project, the marathon. After Kathrin had been running for a few months, she realised the goal of 42.195 kilometres might have been set too high for the first year running.  So she adjusted her sights to the Berlin Half Marathon, taking her favourite runs around the Treptower Park. After she got a pulse watch from her parents and the confirmation of registration fro the 2014 BMW BERLIN MARATHON 2014, she got renewed motivation and began to get more serious about the project. Now she trains at least four times a week, with at least one of the runs over 25 kilometres. “I feel like I am prepared now for my first marathon.” On September 28, her father will be with her for the entire race. “For him, this will likely be his last marathon — for me, my first. My father is the best mentor I could imagine. When he runs next to me, it gives me such a sense of security. I know I will be able to complete the course with him. Also, I would never whine in front of him, even if my legs begin to get heavy.” The young woman did not set any time goals. “I just want to complete it and then still be able to stand,” she says with a smile. And does she think she will be up for the New York Marathon next? “Who knows?”

